Keep scrolling down to see some of the many rosaries available!

The Rosary

The Rosary is a beautiful devotion in which we ask Mary's intercession while we meditate on the life of Jesus Christ. Many believe this is strictly a Catholic devotion, but there are many other Christians who also pray the rosary and whose spiritual lives have benefitted greatly from drawing near to Christ and His Mother in this way.

I once heard an excellent metaphor for understanding why and how we pray the rosary. Author Dr. Edward Sri was discussing one of his books and talking about praying the rosary. He said that he enjoys sitting with his kids on the couch and looking through photo albums, remembering and talking about important things that have happened in his kids lives. In the same way, we can climb in the lap of our Holy Mother and remember and think about important events in the life of Jesus. She will always point us toward her Son, our Savior.

Click here learn more about the scriptural basis of the rosary.

Click here for a brief history of the rosary.

Click here for step-by-step instructions to pray the rosary.